The Diviners
“The Diviners” is about a disturbed young man and his friendship with a disenchanted preacher in the fictional town of Zion, Ind., in the early 1930s. Variety hailed the play as “a splendid drama by a playwright … with poetic as well as human feeling,” as well as “both touching and entertaining.” New York Magazine said the drama “renders the humor and horror of the hinterlands with staggering accuracy.”
Daniel Hankins, Cheyenne Winley, Ken Roberts, Liam Griffin, Belle Flint, James Estes, Sydney Morin, Natalie Scott, Sydney Lipsett, Amado Malec and Brooklyn Tawyea. Also including Charlie Barbera.

Buddy (Daniel Hankins) rests while sister, Jenny Mae (Cheyenne Winley), and father, Ferris (Ken Roberts), tend to him. Ensemble (actors left to right), stand behind them

(Left to right) Dewy Maples(), Melvin Wilder(), and Basil Bennett() facing out toward the audince.

Jenny Mae (Cheyenne Winely) consoling her father (Ken Roberts) while former preacher C.C. (Liam Griffin) looks on.